Upholding a High View Of Science and a High View Of Scripture
We facilitate the formation of expert scientific teams and fund unique research projects, sharing the results through video broadcasts and our network of Associates and Ambassadors.
Pursue Innovative Research
Uphold Biblical Standards
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Research Projects
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Explore our wide range of research projects, where groundbreaking discoveries innovative ideas come to life, each aimed at deepening our understanding and advancing the boundaries of knowledge.
What’s New
Engineer & Technologist Matching Program
We expanded our ministry to include an engineering and technology related resources group to come alongside and support scientists doing creation science research.
About Us
Logos Research Associates
As Ambassadors for Christ we seek to encourage others to believe in Jesus, to faithfully and deliberately believe what Jesus taught, and to believe God’s revealed Word – the Gospel – which is the power of God to salvation.
We use scholarship, logic, and the scientific method to show that the historical claims of the Bible are not only credible, but are superior to evolutionary theory to explain the origin of the world we see. We freely acknowledge our own fallibility, the inherent limits of “historical science”, and the need for “faith” by adherents of any view about ultimate origins.
Who We Are
A Fellowship of Scholars
We are a fellowship of scholars and scientists who faithfully hold to the teachings of Jesus Christ and all of his Word, and also faithfully hold to the scientific method and the need for scientific integrity.
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