Chris graduated from Geneseo University in 2009 with a degree in biology. After, he felt led by the Lord to start a ministry called Back2Genesis. Since his early twenties, he has been speaking on the topic of creation/evolution in various settings including local radio and TV stations, colleges, universities, middle and senior high schools, teen centers, apologetics conferences, and church venues from 1st grade to adult-level discipleship classes. Since the fall of 2011, Chris has been a Research Associate at FMS Foundation in collaboration with renowned geneticist Dr. John Sanford of Cornell.
As a researcher with FMS Foundation, Chris has been doing numerical simulation research aimed at better understanding the historical problem of Haldane’s Dilemma, as well as the problem of fixation of deleterious mutations over deep-time. In August of 2013, Chris presented their research results at the 7th International Conference on Creationism held in Pittsburg, PA.
In addition, Chris has researched a broad range of biological topics—ranging from pseudogenes to the origin of life, to bacterial evolution, to fish evolution (Tiktaalik fossil), to whale evolution, to human evolution, to the famous riddle of “Haldane’s Dilemma.” Chris has published numerous articles on these topics.
For the last 5 years at FMS, Chris has been researching human evolution and the hominin fossil record. Chris has been studying paleoanthropology in depth—which has required the study of hundreds of technical papers and dozens of related books. According to senior co-author, Dr. John Sanford of their published book (Contested Bones), Chris’ research on this topic is similar in scope and depth to a PhD research project, and his enormous contribution to the writing of this book is comparable to a PhD dissertation.
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