Chris has 25 years of teaching experience—private Christian and public middle schools, adjunct and full-time college, and adjunct graduate school. He has been a guest speaker on assorted science apologetics topics since 1985. His passion is creation science apologetics and he has taught such courses for 5 different institutions of higher learning—Liberty University, Institute for Creation Research, San Diego Christian College, Southern California Seminary, and Calvary Chapel Bible College (Murrieta, CA).
Selected Papers & Books:
- Osborne, C. D. 1991. Annotated bibliography of Engelmann oak and related literature; 40 pp. (submitted to the California Department of Forestry in partial fulfillment of a funded grant (C.D.F. & F.P. project number 8CA85381).
- Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne 1991. Influence of fire on oak seedlings and saplings in southern oak woodland on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California. In: Standiford, R.; D. Pendleton, tech. coods., Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Berkeley.
- Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne; A. Rochester; K. Young; S. Soret; R. Hopper. 1991. Size class and age distribution of Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmanni) on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California. In: Standiford, R.; D. Pendleton, tech. coods., Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management. Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Berkeley.
- Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne; O. B. Ruthebuka; F. E. Hayes. 1991. Natural regeneration of “Engelmann oak (Quercus engelmanni) in California; 68 pp. (submitted to the California Department of Forestry in partial fulfillment of a funded research grant requirement) contract number IHRMP-86-2.
- Lathrop, E. W.; C. D. Osborne. 1990. From acorn to tree: ecology of the Engelmann oak. Fremontia 18(3):30-35.
- Osborne, C. D. 1989. Early establishment of Quercus engelmanni (Fagaceae) on the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County, California. Ph.D. dissertation, Loma Linda Univ. 98 pp.
- Osborne, C. D. 1985. A reevaluation of the English peppered moth’s use as a model of evolution in action. M.S. thesis, Institute for Creation Research; 163 pp. (a multiple hypothesis analysis)