Our Fellowship

Dr. Randall Price

Dr. Randall Price
Ph.D. in Middle Eastern Studies, TH.M. in Old Testiment and Semitic Languages, Distinguished Research Professor, Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies, Logos Research Associate

Dr. J. Randall Price received his master’s degree (Th.M.) from Dallas Theological Seminary in Old Testament and Semitic Languages and his doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Texas at Austin in Middle Eastern Studies with a concentration in Jewish studies and biblical archaeology. He has also done graduate work in Semitic languages and archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is Distinguished Research Professor and the Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies at Liberty University. He is also Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Veritas Seminary (San Diego, California). He has been the Director of Excavations on the Qumran Plateau (site of the Dead Sea Scroll community) in Israel since 2002. In 1993 he founded World of the Bible Ministries, Inc. and has served as its President and traveling speaker since. Dr. Price is a member of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), the Near East Archaeological Society (NEAS), the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), and the Tyndale House Fellowship. He and his wife Beverlee (married for 32 years) have four daughters and one son (three in full-time Christian ministry) and four grandchildren.


Dr. Price has authored or co-authored a number of books on biblical subjects including: Ready to Rebuild: The Imminent Plan to Rebuild the Last Days Temple (Harvest House Publishers, 1992), The Search of Temple Treasures: The Lost Ark and the Last Days (Biblical Awareness Ministries, 1993), Why I Still Believe These Are the Last Days (Hearthstone Publishing 1993), Issues in Dispensationalism (Moody Press, 1994), Jerusalem in Prophecy: God’s Stage for the Final Drama (Harvest House, 1998), Dictionary of Premillennial Theology (Kregel Publishers, 1996),  The Desecration and Restoration of the Temple as an Eschatological Motif in the Old Testament, Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and the New Testament (University Microfilms International, 1994), When the Trumpet Sounds (Harvest House, 1995), Forewarning: Approaching the Final Battle Between Heaven & Hell (Harvest House, 1998), Thematic Charts on Bible Prophecy (Zondervan, 2000), and Foreshadows of Wrath and Redemption (Harvest House, 1999), The Coming Last Days Temple (Harvest House, 1999), Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Harvest House Publishers, 1996), The Stones Cry Out: What Archaeology Reveals about the Truth of the Bible (Harvest House, 1997), Biblical Handbook to the Book of Acts (Kregel, 1999), contributor to the New Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, editor of Wilmington’s Bible Handbook (Tyndale, 1997), The Fundamentals  for the Twenty-First Century (Kregel, 2000), Unholy War: America, Israel, and Radical Islam (Harvest House, 2001), Fast Facts on Bible Prophecy (Harvest House, 2002), The Temple in Bible Prophecy (Harvest House, 2003), In Search of the Ark of the Covenant (Harvest House, 2004), In Search of the Original Bible (Harvest House, 2007), In Search of Noah’s Ark (Harvest House, 2010). He has also contributed commentaries on “Ezekiel” and “Daniel” to the Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary (Harvest House 2006), articles on biblical prophecy to the Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy (Harvest House, 2005), and on various topics to the Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics (Harvest House, 2007), and is co-author of The Zondervan Handbook on Biblical Archaeology (Zondervan, forthcoming). In addition his organization publishes Dr. Price’s “study series” which at present consist of six monographs. His articles have appeared in New ManHome LifeIsrael My GloryTrue BelieverThe Messianic TimesNational Liberty JournalMessianic Jewish Life, and Artifax.

Media Exposure:

Dr. Price has produced five films in the Bible lands based on several his books In Search of Temple TreasuresSecrets of the Dead Sea ScrollsThe Stones Cry OutJerusalem in Prophecy and The Coming last Days Temple. He has also appeared in numerous national television and video productions on the subject of the Bible and ancient and modern Israel including the Discovery Channel (2006, 2008), the History Channel (2009), the History Channel International (2009, 2010), 6 programs with Total Living Network (2010), Jewish Voice broadcast (2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009), Fox News’ America’s Black Forum (Washington D.C.), two CBS prime-time specials (now syndicated series) Ancient Secrets of the Bible (1992) and Ancient Secrets of the Bible II (1993), Uncovering the Truth About Jesus (PAX network, November 1999), the FamilyNet television series Thief in the Night (May, December 1999), the PAX special Dead Sea Scroll Specials (September 2000), and the PAX weekly series Encounters with the Unexplained. He has twice appeared on The John Ankerberg Show (1994, 1995), and co-hosted with Hal Lindsey TBN’s Praise the Lord program (1997), and the 700 Club. He was a radio teacher on the Words of Life Broadcast (1985-86) and has appeared on radio and television programs including, Trinity Broadcast, Praise the Lord, USA Radio Network, Point of ViewZola LevittCopeAt Home Live, CBN Radio, Moody Presents, Prime Time, Chicago’s Channel 38, Total Living Network, Action Sixties (Florida TV 22), Vox Pop, Direct Line, Messianic Perspectives, Master Control, Southwest Radio Church’s Watchman on the Wall, Israel My Glory broadcast, Janet Parshall’s America, Truths That Transform, and Celebration.