Dr. Humphreys was born on 2 February 1942 in Wyandotte, Michigan, U.S.A., and was raised in a scientifically aware but non–Christian household. Not surprisingly, Russell himself always had a love for science, and in 1959, he was one of the 40 winners of the Westinghouse National Science Talent Search. He received a B.S. degree in physics at Duke University, 1959–1963. After this, he moved to Louisiana State University (LSU) to study postgraduate physics. In 1969, while doing his dissertation research for LSU in the mountains of Colorado, he committed his life to Christ. In 1972, he was awarded a Ph.D. in physics, on cosmic rays and ultrahigh energy nucleon–nucleon interactions, by which time he was a fully convinced creationist due to both the biblical and scientific evidence. For the next 6 years he worked in the High Voltage Laboratory of General Electric Company, designing and inventing equipment and researching high–voltage phenomena. While there, he received a U.S. patent and one of Industrial Research Magazine’s IR–100 awards. Dr. Humphreys has been married since 1963, and they have three children.
Web Articles:
- New view of gravity explains cosmic microwave background radiation, Journal of Creation 28(3):106–114, December 2014.
- More secular confusion about the moon’s former magnetic field Journal of Creation 27(2):12–13, August 2013.
- Argon from RATE site confirms the earth is young Creation 34(3):40–42, July 2012.
- The Nature of peer review
- Origin of the elements—Bible vs the big bang
- Argon diffusion data support RATE’s 6,000-year helium age of the earth, Journal of Creation 25(2):74–77, 2011.
- Mercury’s crust is magnetized
- The Moon’s former magnetic field
- Helium evidence for a young world continues to confound critics
- The large hadron collider: will a black hole swallow us?
- Search continues for a non-creationist solution to the ‘Pioneer anomaly’
- Mercury’s magnetic message is not yet clear
- Magnetic message from Mercury
- Not too old to be Expelled
- Mercury’s Magnetic Field is Young!
- Earth’s rapid magnetic field reversals. Why has one author retracted?
- Evidence for a Young World, Creation 13(3):28–31, 1992.
- Explaining the Pioneer effect? Russell Humphreys replies, Journal of Creation (Journal of Creation) 22(1):55–56, April 2008.
- Pioneer anomaly: still unsolved? Russell Humphreys replies, Journal of Creation, 21(3):67–68, December 2007.
- Creationist cosmologies explain the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer spacecraft, Journal of Creation 21(2):61–70, August 2007
- D. Russell Humphreys replies and clarifies cosmology, Journal of Creation 16(3):76–78, 2002.
- Our galaxy is the centre of the universe, ‘quantized’ red shifts show, Journal of Creation 16(2):95–104, 2002.
- Russell Humphreys replies, (Reply to Worracker) Journal of Creation 15(2):47–48, 2001.
- Errors in Humphreys’ cosmological model: Humphreys replies, Journal of Creation 14(2):81, 2000. Among letters Archived at:
- Starlight and time: a response, (Reply to Connor and Page) Journal of Creation 14(2):73–76, 2000.
- ‘Starlight and Time’ (Reply to Hunter), Journal of Creation 13(1):61–62, 1999.
- Humphreys’ new vistas (Replies to Ross, Duff, and Conner), Journal of Creation 13(1):50–60, 1999. Among letters archived at:
- New vistas of spacetime rebut the critics, Journal of Creation 12(2):195–212, 1998. Archived at:
- Timothy tests theistic evolutionism, Journal of Creation 11(2):199–201, 1997. Archived at:
- C decay and galactic redshifts, Journal of Creation 6(1):74–79, 1992.
- God’s mighty expanse
- Anti-creationists: do they fear an overthrow of Darwin in the U.S.?
- New creation cosmology
- New time dilation helps creation cosmology
- God’s global warming worked just fine
- Explaining a misunderstanding about a YEC cosmology: Was the fourth day an ‘ordinary’ day?
- Why most scientists believe the world is old
- The ‘Pioneer anomaly’
- Flaw in creationist solution to the Pioneer anomaly?
- Where is Noah’s Ark?
Secular Science Publications and Awards:
- Recently measured helium diffusion rate for zircon suggests inconsistency with U-Pb age for Awards Fenton Hill granodiorite (lead author is Humphreys), Eos, Transactions of the American and Geophysical Union 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V32C-1047 (December 2003). Poster at:
- The enigma of the ubiquity of 14C in organic samples older than 100 ka (lead author is J. R. Baumgardner), Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V32C-1045 (December 2003). Poster at:
- U.S. Patent No. 6,350,015 (26 Feb 2002) Magnetic drive systems and methods for a micromachined fluid ejector.
- Sandia National Laboratories Award for Excellence 1995.
- Comparison of experimental results and calculated detector responses for PBFA II thermal source experiments, Review of Scientific Instruments 63(10), October 1992.
- Sandia National Laboratories Award for Excellence in developing and executing new and innovative light ion target theory, 1990.
- Inertial confinement fusion with light ion beams, 13th Internat. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Washington, D.C. 1–6, October 1990.
- Reducing aspect ratios in inertial confinement fusion targets, JOWOG 37 Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 1990. (Contents classified).
- U.S. Patent No. 4,808,368 (28 Feb. 1989) ‘High voltage supply for neutron tubes in well-logging applications.’
- Sandia National Laboratories Exceptional Contribution Award, for Rimfire laser-triggered gas-insulated switch, 1988.
- Progress toward a superconducting opening switch, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 1987, pp. 279–282.
- Scaling relations for the Rimfire multi-stage gas switch, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, VA, 29 June – 1 August 1987.
- Industrial Research Magazine IR-100 award to PBFA-II project, 1986.
- Rimfire: a six megavolt laser-triggered gas-filled switch for PBFA-II, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 10–12 June 1985, pp. 262–269.
- PBFA II, a 100 TW pulsed power driver for the inertial confinement fusion program, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Pulsed Power Conference, Arlington, Virginia, 10–12 June 1985.
- Uranium logging with prompt fission neutrons, International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 34:261–268, 1983.
- Scientific creationism, Physics Today 35:84–86, June 1982.
- Uranium logging with prompt fission neutrons, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS–28 (1981) 1691–1695.
- Pulsed neutron gamma ray logging for minerals associated with uranium, 6th Conf. on Small Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, November 3–5, 1980. Sandia National Laboratories document no. SAND80-1531.
- Industrial Research Magazine IR-100 award for lightning waveform recorder (to D. R. Humphreys and two others), 1978.
- U.S. Patent No. 4,054,835 (18 Oct. 1977) ‘Rapid-response electric field sensor.’
- Wide-range multi-channel analog switch, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 121:505–508, 1974.
- The 1/γ velocity dependence of nucleon-nucleus optical potentials, Nuclear Physics A182 (1972) 580.
- Studies of hadron interactions at energies around 10 TeV using an ionization spectrometer–emulsion chamber combination, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Cosmic Rays, Budapest 1969, in Acta Physica Acad. Sci. Hungaricae 29 (1970) 497–503.
- Wide-range multi-input pulse height recording system, Review of Scientific Instruments 38 (1967) 1123–1127.
Creationist Publications:
Dr. Humphreys is the author of Starlight and Time, in which he proposes a model that the universe may only be thousands of years old even though light from distant stars appears to have taken billions of years to reach Earth (available also as a DVD). He is also author of Evidence for a Young World (available as a booklet). Dr. Humphreys has written many articles and papers on creation issues.