Our Fellowship

Dr. Tom English

Dr. Tom English
Retired Research Physicist, Research Associate B.S. (Physics), M.S. (Physics), Ph.D. (Physics), Postdoctoral Fellow

Tom is a retired research physicist who did both basic research in atomic and molecular physics, and applied research and engineering in time and frequency related areas, with an emphasis on atomic standards and rubidium clocks.  He is author or co-author of more than 25 professional publications, and inventor or co-inventor on four United Stated patents.

Selected Publications:

  • Specifying Commercial Atomic Frequency Standards Using Statistics, D. Watts, F. Li, F. Vu, W.F. Cashin and T.C. English, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Frequency Control Symposium (IEEE Catalog No. 96CH35935), pp. 1023-1031.
  • The Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Silicon Photodiodes, Raj Korde, Ajay Ojha, Robert Braasch and Thomas C. English, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 36, 2169 (1989).
  • Neutron Hardness of Photodiodes for Use in Passive Rubidium Frequency Standards, Thomas C. English, George L. Malley and Raj Korde, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 1988 (IEEE Catalog No. 88CH2588-2), pp. 532-539.
  • Lifetime and Reliability of Rubidium Discharge Lamps for Use in Atomic Frequency Standards, C.H. Volk, R.P. Frueholz, T.C. English, T.J. Lynch and W.J. Riley, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 1984 (IEEE Catalog No. 84CH2062-8), pp. 387-400.
  • Radiation Hardness of Efratom M-100 Rubidium Frequency Standard, Thomas C. English, Henry Vorwerk and Norman J. Rudie, Proc. 14th Annual Precise time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, (NASA Conference Publication 2265), December 1982, pp. 547-574.
  • Development of a Sapphire Lamp for Use in Satellite-Borne Atomic Rubidium Clocks, Thomas C. English and Ernst Jechart, Proc. 35th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, May 1981, pp. 637-645.
  • Resolution of Photon-Recoil Structure of the 6573 A Calcium Line in an Atomic Beam with Optical Ramsey Fringes, R.L. Barger, J.C. Bergquist, J.J. Glaze and T.C. English, Appl. Phys. Letter 34, 850 (1979).
  • Elimination of the Light Shift in Rubidium Gas Cell Frequency Standards, Thomas C. English, Ernst Jechart and T.M. Kwon, Proc. Tenth Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, November 1978 (NASA Tech. Memo. 80250), pp. 147-168.
  • Discussion Forum: Atomic Standards, Rubidium, Thomas C. English, Proc. Tenth Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, November 1978 (NASA Tech. Memo. 80250) pp. 199-220.
  • Laser Frequency Stabilization Using Saturated Absorption of the 6573 A Line of Calcium, R.L. Barger, J.B. West and T.C. English, Proc. 2nd Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Copper Mountain, Colorado, July 5-7, 1976.
  • Stark-Zeeman Effect of Metastable Orthohydrogen and Parahydrogen, Robert H. Kagann and Thomas C. English, Phys. Rev. A, 13, 1451 (1976).
  • Frequency Stabilization of a cw Dye Laser and Laser Saturation of Atomic Beams, Proc. of the 29th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, Atlantic City, New Jersey, May 28-30, 1975.
  • Theory of the Stark Effect of Metastable Parahydrogen, Thomas C. English and D.L. Albritton, J. Phys. B. 8, 2123 (1975).
  • Stark Effect of Metastable Hydrogen Molecules, Thomas C. English and Robert H. Kagann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 995 (1974).
  • Molecular Beam Spectroscopy, Thomas C. English and Jens C. Zorn, in Methods of Experimental Physics, Vol. 3 (2nd Edition), Part B, D. Williams, ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1974), pp. 669-846 (178 pages).
  • Molecular Beam Electric Resonance Spectroscopy, Jens C. Zorn and Thomas C. English, in Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol. 9, I. Estermann and D.R. Bates, eds. (Academic Press, New York, 1973), pp 243-321 (79 pages).
  • Space Focusing of Polar Diatomic Molecules, Thomas C. English, Rev. Sci. Inst. 42, 1440 (1971).
  • Molecular -Beam Resonance Measurement, Thomas C. English and Keith B.MacAdam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 555 (1970).
  • A Grpahical Method for Calculating Intensities of Space-Focused Atomic and Molecular Beams, Thomas C. English and T.F. Gallagher, Rev. Sci. Inst. 40, 1484 (1969).