Our Fellowship

Dr. Robert Stadler

Dr. Robert Stadler
PhD in Medical Engineering, MS in Electrical Engineering, Logos Research Associate

Rob Stadler is author of The Scientific Approach to Evolution: What They Didn’t Teach You in Biology. He received a PhD in medical engineering from the Harvard/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. As a scientist in the medical device industry for over 20 years, he has contributed to cardiac devices that are implanted in millions of patients worldwide. He has been elected fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biomedical Engineers, has obtained more than 140 US patents, and has 20 peer-reviewed publications.


  • Volosin K, Stadler RW, Wyszynski R, Kirchhof P.  Tachycardia detection performance of implantable loop recorders:  results from a large ‘real-life’ patient cohort and patients with induced venricular arrhythmias.  Europace 2013; 15: 1215-1222.
  • Cheng A, Landman SR, Stadler RW. Reasons for loss of cardiac resynchronization therapy pacing: insights from 32 844 patients. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2012; 5: 884-888.
  • Swerdlow CD, Gunderson BD, Ousdigian KT, Abeyratne A, Stadler RW, Gillberg GM, Patel AS, .
  • Ellenbogen KA.  Downloadable algorithm to reduce inappropriate shocks caused by fractures of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator leads.  Circulation 2008; 118: 2122-2129.
  • Brignole M, Bellardine Black CL, Thomsen PE, Sutton R, Moya A, Stadler RW, Cao J, Messier M, Huikuri HV.  Improved arrhythmia detection in implantable loop recorders.  J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2008; 19: 928-934.
  • Ganion V, Rhodes M, Stadler RW.  Intrathoracic impedance to monitor heart failure status: a comparison of two methods in a chronic heart failure dog model.  Congest Heart Fail. 2005; 11: 177-181,
  • Yu CM, Wang L, Chau E, Chan RH, Kong SL, Tang MO, Christensen J, Stadler RW, Lau CP.  Intrathroracic impedance monitoring in patients with heart failure.   Correlation with fluid status and feasability of early warning preceding hospitalization.  Circulation 2005; 112: 841-848.
  • Adamson PB, Smith AL, Abraham WT, Kleckner KJ, Stadler RW, Shih A, Rhodes MM.  “Continuous
  • autonomic assessment in patients with symptomatic heart failure:  Prognostic value of heart rate
  • variability measured by an implantable cardiac resynchronization device. Circulation. 2004; 110: 2389-
  • 2394.
  • Stadler RW, Gunderson BD, Gillberg JM.  “An adaptive interval-based algorithm for withholding ICD
  • therapy during sinus tachycardia.”  Pacing Clin Electrophysiol.  2003; 26:1189-1201.
  • Stadler RW.  “Permanently Implantable ST-Segment Monitoring.”  Journal of Electrocardiography.
  • 2002; 35 (Supplement): 225-228.
  • Theres H, Stadler RW, Stylos L, Glos M, Leuthold T, Baumann G, Nelson SD, Krucoff MW.
  • “Comparison of electrocardiogram and intrathoracic electrogram signals for detection of ischemic
  • ST-segment changes during normal sinus and ventricular paced rhythms.”  Journal of  Cardiovascular
  • Electrophysiology.  2002; 13; 990-995.
  • Stadler RW, Lu SN, Nelson SD, Stylos L.  “A real-time ST-segment monitoring algorithm for
  • implantable devices.”  Journal of Electrocardiography.  2001; 34 (Supplement): 119-126.
  • Stadler RW, Ibrahim SF, Lees RS.  “Measurement of  the time course of peripheral vasoactivity: Results in cigarette smokers.” Atherosclerosis. 1998; 138: 197-205.
  • Stadler RW, Taylor AJ, Lees RS.  “Comparison of B-mode, M-mode, and echo-tracking methods for measurement of the arterial distension waveform.”  Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 1997; 23: 879-887.
  • Stadler RW, Ibrahim SF, Lees RS.  “Peripheral vasoreactivity in familial hypercholesterolemic subjects treated with Heparin-Induced Extracorporeal LDL Precipitation (HELP).”  Atherosclerosis. 1997; 128: 241-249.
  • Stadler RW, Karl WC, Lees RS. “New methods for arterial diameter measurement from B-mode images.” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 1996; 22: 25-34.
  • Lees RS, Holmes NN, Stadler RW, Ibrahim SF, Lees AM.  Treatment of hypercholesterolemia with heparin-induced extracorporeal low-density lipoprotein precipitation (HELP). J Clin Apher. 1996; 11: 132-137.
  • Stadler RW, Rabinowitz WM. “On the potential of fixed arrays for hearing aids,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1993; 94: 1332-1342.