- US 6,235,973 (5/2001) Smith, F.D. et al. Expression of Magainins and PGL classes of antimicrobial peptide genes in plants, and their use in creating resistance to multiple plant pathogens.
- US 7,119,292 (10/2006) Smith, F.D. et al. Production of transgenic poinsettia.
Refereed Journal Articles:
- Allen C., Stromberg V.K., Smith F.D., Lacy G.H. and Mount M.S. 1986 Complementation of an Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora mutant with a protease-encoding cosmid. Mol Gen Genet 202:276-279.
- Aragao F., Barros L., Brasileiro A., Ribeiro S. Smith F.D., Sanford J. and Rech E., 1996. Inheritance of foreign genes in transgenic bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) co-transformed via particle bombardment. Theo and Appl Gen 93(1-2): 142-150.
- DeGray G., Rajasekaran K., Smith F.D., Sanford J. and Daniel H., 2001. Expression of an antimicrobial papetide via the chloroplast genome to control phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi. Pl Phys 127(3): 852-862.
- Hebert D., Kikkert J.R., Smith F.D., and Reisch B.I., 1993. Optimization of biolistic transformation ofembryogenic grape cell suspensions. Pl Cell Rep 12:585-589.
- Hilber U.W., Bodmer M., Smith F.D., and Koeller W.D., 1993. Biolistic transformation of conidia of Botryotinia fuckeliana. Curr Genet 25:124-127.
- Kamo K., Blowers A., Smith F.D. and VanEck J. 1995. Stable transformation of Gladiolus by particle gun bombardment of cormels. Pl Science 110:105-111.
- Kamo K., Blowers A., Smith F.D., VanEck J. and Lawson R. 1995. Stable transformation of Gladiolus using suspension cells and callus. J Am Soc Hort Sci 120:347-352.
- Kamo K., Gera A., Cohen J., Hammond J., Blowers A., Smith F.D., and Van Eck J., 2005. Transgenic Gladiolus plants transformed with the bean yellow mosaic virus coat-protein gene in either sense or antisense orientation. Pl Cell Rep 23(9): 654-663.
- Kamo K., Jones B., Bolar J., Smith F.D. 2005., Regeneration from long-term embryogenic callus of the Rosa hybrida cultivar Kardinal. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol – Plant 41:32-36.
- Kamo K., Jones B., Castillon J., Smith F.D. 2004. Dispersal and filtration of embryogenic callus increases the frequency of embryo maturation and conversion for hybrid tea roses. Pl Cell Rep 22:787-792.
- Koller W., Smith F.D., Reynolds K.L., Wilcox W.F., and Burr J.A., 1995. Seasonal changes of sensitivities to sterol demethylation inhibitors in Venturia inaequalis populations. Mycol Res 99:689-692.
- Parker D.M., Hilber U.W., Bodmer M., Smith F.D., Yao C., and Killer W., 1995. Production and transformation of conidia of Venturia inaequalis. Phytopathology 85:87-91.
- Pearson R.C., Smith F.D. and Dubos B., 1988. Angualr leaf scorch, a new disease of grapevines in North America caused by Pseudopezicula tetraspora. Pl Disease 72:796-800.
- Sanford J., Brewer W., Smith F. and Baumgardner J., 2015. The waiting time problem in a model hominin population, Theor Med Mod 12:18.
- Sanford J.C., DeVit M.J., Russell J.A., Smith F.D., Harpending P.R., Roy M.K. and Johnston S.A. 1991. An improved, helium-driven biolistic device. Techniques 3:3-16.
- Shark K.B., Smith F.D., Harpending P.R., Rasmussen J., and Sanford J.C., 1991., Biolistic transformation of a prokaryote: Bacillus megaterium. Appl Environ Microbiol 57:480-485.
- Smith F.D., Harpending P.R., and Sanford J.C., 1993. Biolistic transformation of prokaryotes —factors that effect biolistic transformation of very small cells. J Gen Micro 138:239-248.
- Smith F.D. and Koller W. 1990. The expression of resistance of Ustilago avenae to the strol demethylation inhibitor triadimenol is an induced response. Phytopathology 74:894-899.
- Smith F.D. and MacHardy W.E. 1984. The retention and redistribution of Captan on apple foliage. Phytopathology 74:894-899.
- Smith F.D., Parker D.M., and Koller W. 1991. Sensitivity distribution of Venturia inaequalis to the strol demethylation inhibitor flusilazole: baseline sensitivity and implication for resistance monitoring. Phytopathology 82:392-396.
Book Chapters and Proceedings:
- Brewer W., Smith F. and Sanford J., 2013. Information loss: potential for accelerating natural genetic attenuation of RNA viruses, In Marks II R.J. et al. (eds.), Biological Information — New Perspectives, pp 369-384, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.
- Harriman R.W., Bolar J., Smith F.D., 2006. Importance of Biotechnology to the Horticultural Plant Industry. J of Crop Improvement 17:1-26.
- Kamo K., Blowers A., Smith F.D. and Van Eck J., 1996, Genetic Transformation of Gladiolus, In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 38, Bajaj Y.P.S. ed. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 222-232.
- Kamo K., Roh M., Blowers A., Smith F.D. and Van Eck J., 2001. Trangenic gladiolus. In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 48, Bajaj Y.P.S. ed., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 155-170.
- Sanford J.C., Smith F.D. and Russell J., 1992. Optimizing the biolistic process for different biological applications. Methods in Enzymology 217:483-509.