Our Fellowship
Meet our Board Members, Associates, and Ambassadors
Our fellowship at Logos Research Associates is made up of board members, research associates, and ambassadors, all united in advancing our mission of integrating faith and science. Together, they offer expertise and dedication to bridge the gap between biblical truth and scientific discovery.
Board Members
Jay Seegert
LogosRA President and Ambassador, Founder and Keynote Speaker for The Starting Point Project, Engineer, BS Physics, AS Technology
Dr. John Baumgardner
LogosRA Vice-President and Associate, Geophysicist, BS Electrical Engineering, MS Electrical Engineering, MS Geophysics and Space Physics, PhD Geophysics and Space Physics
Fred Bauhof
LogosRA Treasurer and Associate, BS Geology, MS Geological Engineering
Dr. Kenneth Funk
M.Sc in Organic Chemistry, PhD in Organic Chemistry, Logos Research Associate, Director, Midwest Creation Fellowship
Dr. Don Jacobson
LogosRA Secretary and Associate, MS Applied Physics, PhD Biophysics, Assistant Professor of Radiology, Creator of Radiological Diagnostic Products, Inc.,
Dr. John Sanford
LogosRA Director and Associate, President of FMS Foundation, Retired Cornell Geneticist, PhD Plant Breeding and Genetics
Jim Pamplin
LogosRA Director and Ambassador, BA Biology
Chris Rupe
Biologist, Speaker, LogosRA Ambassador B.A. (Biology)
Dr. Ross Anderson
M.B.S. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, PhD in Biochemistry, Full Professor of Biochemistry, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Steven Austin
Field and Sedimentary Geologist, Research Associate B.S. (Geology), M.S. (Geology), Ph.D. (Geology)
Dr. Jerry Bergman
Biologist, Research Associate A.A. (Biology & Behavioral Sciences), B.S. (Psychology), M.Ed. (Education, Counseling), Ph.D. (Evaluation & Research, Psychology), M.A. (Sociology), Ph.D. (Human Biology), MSBS (Biomedical Science), M.P.H. (Public Health), M.S. (Medicine)
Dr. Dan Biddle
Logos Research Associate, Behavioral Scientist, President of Genesis Apologetics, Inc.
Dr. Pieter Borger
MSc, PhD, Molecular Biologist, Freelance Researcher, Author of “Terug naar de Oorsprong,” Logos Research Associate
Dr. Stephen Boyd
Hebrew Scholar, Research Associate B.S. (Physics), M.S. (Physics), Th.M. (Semitics & Old Testament), M.Phil. (Hebrew & Cognate Studies), Ph.D. (Hebrew & Cognate Studies)
Dr. Leonard Brand
PhD, Professor of Biology and Paleontology, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Sarah Buckland
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (High Commendation)
Dr. Stuart Burges
BSc, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, Professor of Engineering Design, Director of the System Doctoral Training Centre, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Rob Carter
Marine Biologist, Research Associate, CMI Speaker, Author, Lecturer B.S. (Applied Biology), Ph.D. (Coral Reef Ecology)
Dr. Timothy Cooper
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Director of Fermentation, Logos Research Associate
David Coppedge
Logos Research Associate B.S. (Physics with honors), B.S. (Secondary Education cum laude)
Dr. John Doane
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, author, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Tom English
Retired Research Physicist, Research Associate B.S. (Physics), M.S. (Physics), Ph.D. (Physics), Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Andrew Fabich
PhD in Microbiology, Professor of Biology, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Randy Guliuzza
ICR President, Physician, Engineer, Theologian, B.A. (Theology) B.S. (Engineering), M.S. (Public Health), M.D.
Dr. Scott Hardin
MD, Owner, Curriculum Developer and Author (Science Shepherd Homeschool Curriculum), Senior Vice President Medical Staff, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Mark Horstemeyer
Chairman of Computational Solid Mechanics and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MSU, Research Associate B.S. (Mechanical Engineering), M.S. (Engineering Mechanics), Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering)
Dr. Russell Humphreys
Ph.D, Nuclear Physicist, Research Scientist at Sandia National Laboratory, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Joseph Kezele
Assistant Professor of Biology at Arizona Christian University, Research Associate, B.A. (Russian), M.D. University of Arizona
Dr. Peter Line
Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology, B.AppSc. (Biophysics, Instrumental Science), MApp.Sc. (Neuroscience), Ph.D. (Neuroscience)
Dr. Ying Liu
M.Med in Microbiology and Immunology, PhD in Biological Sciences, Professor of Microbiology, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Jeremy Lyon
Professor of Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, and Research Associate B.A. (Religion), M.Div. (Advanced Biblical Studies and Biblical Languages), Ph.D. (Old Testament)
Dr. Andy McIntosh
Professor University of Leeds, Research Associate DSc, FIMA, C.Math, FInstE, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM, FRAeS
Dr. Paul Nelson
Philosopher of Biology and Evolutionary Theory B.A. (Philosophy), Ph.D. (Philosophy of Biology and Evolutionary Theory)
Dr. Rick Oliver
Speaker, Apologist, Ordained Pastor, Founder and CEO of Confound the Wise Ministries, Research Associate M.A. ( Education), Ph.D. (Evolutionary Biology)
Dr. Chris Osborne
Biologist, Research Associate A.S. (Biology), B.A. (Biology), M.S. (Biology) Ph.D. (Biology)
Bruce Potter
Degrees in Compute Science and Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineer, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Randall Price
Ph.D. in Middle Eastern Studies, TH.M. in Old Testiment and Semitic Languages, Distinguished Research Professor, Executive Director of the Center for Judaic Studies, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Stan Sholar
Control Systems Analyst, Associate B.S. (Electrical Engineering), M.S. (Electrical Engineering), Ph.D. (Control Systems Engineering)
Dr. Franzine Smith
M.S. in Plant Pathology, PhD in Plant Pathology, Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Engineering, Lab Manager, Project Manager, Genetic Numerical Simulation, Research Scientist at FMS Foundation, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Robert Stadler
PhD in Medical Engineering, MS in Electrical Engineering, Logos Research Associate
Ray Strom
Geochemist, Entrepreneur, President of Calgary Rock and Materials Services, Research Associate, Graduate of Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, B.S. (Chemistry)
Dr. Larry Vardiman
Logos Research Associate, Researcher, Speaker B.S. (Physics), B.S. (Meteorology), M.S. (Atmospheric Science), Ph.D. (Atmospheric Science)
Dr. Alan Walker
Plant Breeder, Cytogeneticist, Research Associate B.S. (Argonomy), M.S. (Plant Breeding), Ph.D. (Plant Breeding/Cytogenetics)
Dr. James Wanliss
Professor of Physics at Presbyterian College and Research Associate, B.S. (Physics, Applied Math), M.S. (Geophysics), Ph.D. (Physics)
Dr. Alan White
Logos Research Associate, Fellow (retired), Eastman Chemical Company Board Member of Canopy Ministries BS (Chemistry), Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry)
Dr. John Whitmore
M.S. Geology, PhD, Senior Professor of Geology, Logos Research Associate
Dr. Jay Wile
Adjunct professor of chemistry and physics at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana Logos Research Associate; Education: Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry, B.S. in chemistry
Dr. Gordon Wilson
Senior Fellow of Natural History at New Saint Andrews College, Research Associate B.S. (Science in Secondary Ed), M.S. (Entomology), Ph.D. (Environmental Science and Public Policy)
Stephano Bertolini
Electronic & Electrical Engineer, LogosRA Ambassador, President of Italian Association of Origin Studies (A.I.S.O.) B.Eng. (Hons), Electronic and Electrical Engineering C. Engl., M.I.E.E. (Formerly I.E.E.)
Jason Browning
Computer Scientist, M.S. Computer Science, Technical Project Manager, Website Developer, Author, Speaker, Teacher, Founder of NJBibleScience.org, LogosRA Ambassador
Kevin Conover
World Religions/Apologetics Teacher; M.A. Apologetics, M.A. Divinity Psychology, B.A. Psychology; LogosRA Ambassador
Keith Davies
Lecturer on Astronomy and the age of the universe, M.S. (Astro/Geophysics)
Steve Ham
M.S. of Divinity, Certified Biblical Counselor with ACBC, Pastor, Speaker, Author, LogosRA Ambassador
Bridgette Heap
B.A. in Mathematics, Research Assistant and Author at FMS Foundation
William Hoesch
Geologist, Research Associate B.A. (Geology), M.S. (Geology)
Bruce Malone
Chemical Engineer, LogosRA Ambassador B.S. (Chemical Engineer), Author, Speaker, Teacher, Founder and Director of Search For the Truth Ministry
Bill Morgan
Mechanical Design Engineer US NAVY, LogosRA Ambassador B.S.M.E. (Mechanical Engineer)
Steven Policastro
B.A. in Political Science, B.B.A. in Management, Founder and Director of The International Association for Creation, LogosRA Ambassador
Spike Psarris
Electrical Engineer, LogosRA Ambassador B.S. (Electrical Engineering), Software Engineer, Consultant
James Stroud
Ancient Historian and Philosopher of Religion; M.A. Ancient History, B.A. religion Operator of Biblical Philosophy of History Museum; LogosRA Ambassador
Bendeguz Szuk
Electrical Engineer, Ordained Pastor, LogosRA Ambassador, B.S. (Theology), M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering)
Helmut Welke
Engineer, Speaker, LogosRA Ambassador
John Wynne
Economist, B.S. (Economics), M.S. (Economics)
Dan Zambrano
B.S. in Marine Biology, Veterinary Technician, Ordained Pastor, Speaker, LogosRA Ambassador
Get in Touch with Us
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