Our Fellowship

Dr. Sarah Buckland

Dr. Sarah Buckland
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography (High Commendation)


Award-winning, published, mixed-method research specialist and reviewer in climate services communication and drought risk management in crop agriculture (8 years, c. 2014).

Uniquely positioned as interdisciplinary, agile, and impact-driven, spanning skillsets in both the physical and social sciences, with an eye for the link between policy and practice.

Served as a reviewer for international journals, including Climate Policy, Climate Risk Management, Academia Letters and Weather, Climate and Society, with publications/presentations/reviewing services based in Mexico, Guyana, Jamaica, Colombia, the United States, Singapore, Turkey, Kenya, Malawi, the Cayman Islands, and the United Kingdom.

Recognized for exceptional quality academic outputs locally and internationally, including by Jamaica’s Prime Minister in the 2017 National Youth Award for Excellence in Academics, the 2022 list of Women in Climate Research (recognized by Jamaica’s Climate Change Division in the Ministry of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate) and as a nominee for the Women in Science award by the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences (2022). Dr. Buckland also presented research at the international level, including at the 2021 United Nations side event on the International Day of Families hosted by the UN Family Caucus.


Distinctive experience working with international and regional teams with over eight (8) years’ experience (c. 2015).

Project experience includes both supervisory and supportive roles, including fieldwork supervision, analytical research support, and the co-production of agricultural extension service manuals for at least 7 different international and regional teams, including affiliates from Columbia University’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI Columbia), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), University of Arizona, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, University of Delaware among others.

As Principal Director for a local Civil Society Organization (Chosen to GLOW Ministries), Sarah’s project experience includes communication management and resource management. Outcomes of these include coordinating over 20 webinars and workshops in Barbados and Jamaica, some of which facilitated dialogue between researchers and youth government representatives. with international attendance from NGO and government leaders. Her webinar series has also had attendees from six (6) continents.

Credentialed with project management certification from the Mona School of Business and Management, with exposure to both Agile and Waterfall methodologies.


Sarah’s agile portfolio includes Spanish language and Bible evidence skillsets.

Sarah is credentialed with a Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language (Advanced [B2] Level),

and Spanish at the bachelor’s degree level (Minor, First Class Honours). Sarah’s Spanish language proficiency has also received regional recognition, receiving the highest mark in the Caribbean in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (2012) and the highest mark in level III Spanish undergraduate degree.

Distinctive edge guided by Christian values of integrity and active in giving back to her communities. Among her endeavours is being an ongoing contributing author with proceeds for good causes, including to combat human trafficking (Life Repurposed Book).


UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES (UWI) MONA CAMPUS 2012-2021 Doctor of Philosophy (High Commendation),

Department of Geography & Geology 2015-2021 Title of ResearchDeterminants of Drought Risk and Adaptation among Farmers in Clarendon, Jamaica. Supervisor: Dr. Donovan Campbell
Courses include Research Design & Management | Specialized Research Methods | Advanced Social Research Methods (Intermediate-Advanced Statistics, 93%)

  • Thesis was awarded with high Commendation in the 2021 Faculty of Science & Technology PhD graduation cohort – only female of 2 high commendations in the faculty’s PhD programme (November 4, 2021).
  • First female finalist and faculty runner-up, Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI Mona 3-Minute Thesis Competition (April 2021)
  • UWI Mona Postgraduate Wall of Excellence (UWI Research Days) (Feb. 2018)
  • Departmental Award: Department of Geography & Geology, UWI Mona (PhD Sponsorship, Nov. 2017-2019)
  • UWI Research & Publications Grant, UWI Mona (MPhil Research, 2016)
  • Prime Minister’s National Youth Award for Excellence in Academics (2017)
  • UWI Postgraduate Scholarship (2015-2017)
    Mona School of Business & Management June-July 2018Certificate of Achievement: Principles & Practices of Project Management (Score: A [89.5%])(Accredited by the Project Management Institute (PMI), USA)Areas of Study include: Project Integration Management | Resource Management | Quality Management | Risk Management | Scope Management | Stakeholder Management | Communications Management | Schedule Management | Cost Management | Introduction to Microsoft Project |Procurement Management
    [Introduction to both Waterfall Methodology (emphasis) and Agile Methodology (overview)]Portfolio of Project Involvement & Sample of Past Project Plan Authored Available Upon RequestCaribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC) June-July 2018 Certificate of Merit: Graphic Design (Basic)Areas of study include: Introduction to Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop (Drawing tools, Logo, business cards & brochure design; Photograph Manipulation Techniques).
    Work Samples Available Upon Request.BSc. Geography (Major); Spanish (Minor) 2012-2015[First Class Honours; Cumulative GPA: 4.06]Areas of Study include: Spanish Translation, Business Spanish. Climate Studies, Geographic Information Systems, Earth Environments: Climate & The Biosphere, Disaster Management Geomorphology, Urban & Regional Planning, Geographies of Development, Environmental Change, Fluid Mechanics & Environmental Physics, Research Methods, Tourism,Thesis: “An examination of the efficiency of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica and its implications on the effective mitigation of agro-meteorological hazards.”
    Award for Most Outstanding Performance in the Bachelor of Science (BSc) Geography programme, UWI Mona. (2016)
    Steve Bailey Award for Best Undergraduate Geography Dissertation for the 2014-2015 Academic year, UWI Mona (2016)
    Best Oral Undergraduate Presentation, 10th Conference, Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI, Mona. (2015)
    The Paul Davis Memorial Prize for Most Outstanding Academic Performance in Spanish Language, Level III, UWI, Mona (2015)
  • Caribbean Catastrophic Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF-UWI) Undergraduate Scholarship (2013- 2015)
  • Dean’s Honour Roll Award: Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI Mona (2013-2015)
  • Departmental Prize for Most Outstanding Academic Performance in Critical Reading and Writing inScience & Technology/Medical Sciences (FOUN1014) for the Academic Year 2013/2014 (2014)
  • Certificate of Award for Academic Excellence in the Faculty of Science and Technology (Office ofStudent Services and Development, UWI, Mona) (2014)Instituto Cervantes through the University of Technology, Jamaica 2015 Diploma in Spanish as a Second Language (DELE)
    Level B2 [Advanced Level] 
    (Accredited by Spain’s Ministry of Education,Culture and Sports).
  2. Buckland, S. (2022) Drought Resistance Meets Cultural Resistance: Socio-Ethical Dialogues on GMOs in a Caribbean Case Study Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment – Wiley Online Library. (Under Review)
  3. Buckland, S. 2022. ‘The Significance of Parental Involvement in Reducing Adolescent Delinquency: A Jamaican Case Analysis’. Caribbean Journal of Psychology. (Under Review).
  4. Buckland, S., Rhiney, K., Mandal, A., & Allen, T. Assessing Spatio-Temporal Variations 2022 (Under review) of Historical Midsummer Drought In Jamaica Using Enhanced Vegetation Index.Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
  5. Buckland, S. & Campbell, D. Exploring Covariate and Idiosyncratic Drivers of Adaptive 2022 (Pending) Action to Drought Risks: An Assessment of Selected Farming Communities Across Clarendon Journal of Choice Modelling, Special Issue: Climate Adaptation- Informing decisions about climate change adaptation by choice modelling, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Katrin Rehdanz (Eds)
  6. Buckland, S. The Role of Home Environments and Family Structure in CurbingYouth Delinquency: Evidence From Jamaican Case Studiesaccepted, Pending Full Paper)Caribbean Journal of Criminology, UWI Press, December 2022,ISSN: 0799-3897.
  7. Buckland, S., & Campbell, D. Agro-Climate Services and Drought Risk Management in Jamaica: A Case Study of Farming Communities in Clarendon Parish
    Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, Volume 43, Issue 1,
    Pages 43-61, https://doi.org/10.1111/sjtg.12414
  8. Buckland, S., & Campbell, D. Determinants of the awareness, access, and use of agro-climatic services: Insights from farming communities in Clarendon, Jamaica. Geoforum Journal Volume 126, November 2021, Pages 171-191


  1. Buckland, S. (2022). Living on the Edge: Challenges and Opportunities for Flood Resilient Urbanscapes in Jamaica. In: Sustainable urbanization in island-states. Eris D. Schoburgh, Tracy McFarlane and Stephanie McDonald (Eds). (Pending acceptance)
  2. Campbell, D., Tomlinson, J., Eitzinger, A., Lizarazo, M., Buckland, S. (2022). Climate-smart Agriculture Extension Services Manual for Amity Hall, Jamaica. National Irrigation Commission Ltd. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries. Kingston, Jamaica. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/118039
  3. Campbell, D., Tomlinson, J., Eitzinger, A., Lizarazo, M., Buckland, S. (2022). Climate-smart Agriculture Extension Services Manual for Essex Valley, Jamaica. National Irrigation Commission Ltd. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries. Kingston, Jamaica. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/118036
  4. Campbell, D., Tomlinson, J., Eitzinger, A., Lizarazo, M., Buckland, S. (2022). Climate-smart Agriculture Extension Services Manual for Parnassus, Jamaica. National Irrigation Commission Ltd. Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries. Kingston, Jamaica. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/118038
  5. Buckland, S. (2020). Effective Communication for Climate Information Services: A Jamaican Case Study Assessment Using Perspectives from Multi-End-User Stakeholder Feedback. CCRIF SPC Technical Paper Series Vol. 4. Available at: http://www.ccrif.org/sites/default/files/publications/studentpapers/Buckland_UndergraduateThesis_Article.pdf [Accessed: 29/12/20].
  6. Taylor, M.A., Stephenson, T.S., Clarke, L., Charlton, C.S., Stephenson, K., Brown, P., Rankine, D., Campbell, J.D.,Stennett-Brown, R., Whyte, F., Brown, A.A., Maitland, D., Douglas, C., Grant, D., Buckland, S.F., Walters, R., Daley, A., Van Meerbeeck, C.J., Trotman, A., Scott, W., Mahon, R., Allen, T., Brown, G., Brathwaite, C., Kerr, K., Nissan, H., Centella-Artola, A., and Bezanilla-Morlot, A. (2020). State of the Caribbean Climate Technical Report. For the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ). Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347442472_The_State_of_the_Caribbean_Climate_Report#fullTextFi leContent
  7. Campbell, D., Constable, A., Scott, L., and Buckland, S. (2020) Socio Economic Assessment of the Yallahs and Hope Watershed Management Units report under the Integrated Management of the Yallahs and Hope River Watershed Management Areas Project. National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA). Kingston, Jamaica.


15. Climate Stress Inertia: A Policy Messaging Response to Farmer Powerlessness and Aug, 2022 (Pending) Passivity Cognitions in Drought Extremes in a Jamaican Case Study
FST FORECAST Conference, 2022

16. Determinants of Drought Risks and Adaptation Response Options in Farming Communities Across Clarendon, Jamaica
PhD Oral Examination, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica.

August 18, 2021

17. What determines awareness, access, and use of agro-climatic services?
Insights from farming communities in Clarendon, Jamaica.
3rd Latin American Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation (Virtual Presentation) Tecnológico de Monterrey, Puebla, Mexico.

Mar 2020

  1. Exploring Entry Points for Effective Farmer Engagement in Agro-Climate Services: Lessons from Clarendon, Jamaica.
    Graduate Seminar: Department of Geography & Geology
  2. ‘Exploring Patterns & Potential Drivers of Drought Adaptive Decision-Making Across Clarendon, Jamaica.’Graduate Seminar: Department of Geography & Geology
  3. “Exploring Pathways to Effective Drought Adaptation in Crop Production Systems: Lessons from Clarendon Jamaica” (Poster Presentation: Orally demonstrated)
    11th Faculty of Science and Technology Conference, UWI Mona.
  4. “Expected Agriculture Sectorial Impacts: 2017 Dry Season”
    Assistant Rapporteur Agriculture Sectoral Impact Breakout Discussion 
    Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CARICOF) Dry Season Outlook, Guyana

22-23.“Towards an Assessment of the Vulnerability and Resilience of Crop Production Systems to Drought in Clarendon, Jamaica – A Socio-Ecological Approach.” University of the West Indies, Mona Research Days
[Featured on Postgraduate Wall of Excellence, 2018 (Poster Display)] | MPhil Upgrade Seminar: Department of Geography & Geology, UWI Mona (Oral Presentation)

24-26.“Assessing Historical Mid-Summer Drought in Jamaica
|using Remote-Sensing Data: Implications on Agriculture Sustainability” (Buckland, Rhiney & Mandal)

University of the West Indies, Mona Research Days 2017 [Poster Display] | World Meteorological Day ACDI/VOCA Expo [Poster Display] | LICJ-GIS Technical Seminar, U.W.I. Mona [Oral Presentation].

27, ‘Assessing socio-ecological vulnerabilities to drought in Jamaica’s agriculture sector: Case studies of selected farming communities in Clarendon.’
Graduate Seminar: Department of Geography & Geology, U.W.I., Mona.

“Development of Baseline Climate Impact Assessments for Development of
Transformational Agri Food Systems Programmes in the Caribbean SIDS”
Supported by the Rome HQ of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Led in the co-production of the Inception Report, Literature Review & Gap Analysis Inventory For the Caribbean.

Journal Article Reviewer


Refining research outputs based in Africa (E.g., Kenya and Malawi) and the Middle East (e.g., Turkey).

Journals served include: Climate Risk Management, Climate Policy, Weather, Climate & Society Journal, & Academia Letters

Co-editor: Climate Textbook for Primary School-Aged Children

Climate Studies Group Mona

Research Assistant

Assistant to the Head of Department (Geography and Geology, UWI Mona)
Tasks include Article coding, summary writing, and inferential statistical analysis support for local and international projects

Sept 2019-July 2022

  • Systematic literature review for multi-hazard context in selected Caribbean territories, including Belize.
  • Analytical support for NEPA project on food security in watersheds
  • Technical consultant for workshops under the “Capacity Building Program to Improve Stakeholder Resilienceand Adaptation to Climate Change in Jamaica (CBCA)” Project:
    o Prioritizing Climate Smart Agriculture Practices and technologies in Jamaica (Feb. 11, 2021) o Unveiling Climate-smartness of CSA Practices and technologies in Jamaica (Feb. 16, 2021)o Multi-criteria analysis of Climate-Smart Practices and Technologies, investing in CSA Portfolios in Jamaica (July 13, 2021)
  • In-depth analytic and write-up support for the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Project: “Community Engagement Analysis” by the Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund for St. Vincent, Jamaica, and British Virgin Islands
  • Co-conceptualized paper outlines and performed inferential statistical analyses on themed datasets including crop insurance in the Caribbean, environmental change and livelihood security, food security and subjective

November 2014 August 2022-Present

Feb. 2022-Aug. 2022

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28. “An evaluation of the efficiency of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica and its
implications on the effective mitigation of agro-meteorological hazards.” 
June 2015

10th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Science and Technology, U.W.I., Mona

29. “Family Structure and Youth Behaviour: A Case Study from Select High Schools within the Corporate Area”

National Youth Conference, Department of Government, U.W.I., Mona.



Department of Geography & Geology, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. Course CoordinatorNatural Hazards & Society | Research Methods in Geography Internship Coordinator | Undergraduate thesis supervisor

Research Assistant


well-being, ecosystem dependence and subjective-well-being, crop diversity & livelihood satisfaction, determinants of land management practices, hazard management practices, resilience outcomes and life satisfaction across Sub-Basin Management Units in Jamaica and perceptions of importance of ecosystem services vary across the Sub-Basin Management Units.

  • Analytical support for the Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation project on the Portland Bight Protected Area, examining factors influencing attitudes toward fish sanctuaries
  • Provided a timely summative review of “Climate Change Projections and Vulnerability of Trinidad and Tobago” for the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Report (VCA) for Trinidad and Tobago: Technical Assistance for the Environment Programme
  • Performed over 400 sets (~5000 labels) of qualitative manual coding using the Systematic Review (Sysrev) interface for “Who is adapting to climate change and how?” project, building on the work of the Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (GAMI) and the Well-being ecosystem services bundles for adaptive coastal governance: assessing the current evidence project.

o Outputs from the GAMI initiative have been published in the highly acclaimed Nature Climate Change Journal (Supportive of Dr. Donovan Campbell’s contribution)

  • Co-producing community-specific and crop-specific manuals for agricultural extension agents in vulnerable settings in Jamaica as part of the CBCA project.
  • Analytical Support for Quality Assurance Review (2015-2021): Department of Geography & Geology

Technical Assistant: Sectoral Impacts

State of the Caribbean Climate Report 2016: Information for Resilience Building
– Consultancy for the Collection, Modelling, Analysis and Reporting of Climate Data

Joint Field Supervisor | Interview Transcriber International Research Applications Project (IRAP):

Title: Improving the management of the coffee leaf rust disease
and other climate-induced hazards affecting Jamaica’s Coffee Industry

Mar. 2018

May 2015-Jan 2016

• Collaborated with climate professionals at the University of Arizona, Columbia University & the University of the West Indies, Mona in a supportive research role, including:

o Aiding in the conceptualization, editing and review of the initial survey instrument
o Transcribing interviews with thematic codes and taking notes at focus group sessions across 12

coffee communities in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica
o Functioned as joint field supervisor during field data collection in Blue Mountain Communities

across St. Thomas, Portland, and St. Andrew, Jamaica

Tutor: Department of Geography & Geology, UWI Mona
Level I Courses
Human Geography 1: Population, Migration & Human Settlement (GEOG1131) Earth Environments 1: Geomorphology and Soils (GEOG1231)
Human Geography 2: World Economy, Agriculture & Food (GEOG1132)
Earth Environments 2: Climate and the Biosphere (GEOG1232)
Lab Demonstrator (Level I and Level II)
Human Geography 1: Population, Migration & Human Settlement (GEOG1131) Earth Environments 1: Geomorphology and Soils (GEOG1231)
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems GGEO2232)

Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF-SPC) Regional Internship Programme

Research Intern: Department of Geography & Geology, UWI, Mona

Spatial Modelling of Rainfall & Vegetation Using ArcGIS

Sept 2015-May 2016 | Sept 2017-Dec. 2018


Aug 2015 – Nov 2015

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Christian Apologetics for the Next Generation, Evangelism and Research Society

Staff advisor & Founder

UWI for Life (Prolife Club)
Staff advisor & Co-founder

Global Alliance of Christian Homeschool Leaders Coordinator: Caribbean region

Climate Studies Group, UWI, Mona Member & Research Associate

International Association for Creation (IAC) Member (2018)

Jamaica Representative for Homeschool Ministry Outreach (2020) Creation Research Society, USA

(Student Member – Future Leader Sponsorship Programme) Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF)

UWI Mona Spanish Club

Secretary (2013/14)
UWI Geographical Society



Discovery Institute Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design (Online) The Data Scientists’ Toolbox

John Hopkins University via Coursera

Grant Writing Workshop
UWI Open Campus – Social Work Training and Research Centre Authorized by: 
Ms. Cerita Buchanan (Head)

ProSuite Training: Wordstat and QDA Miner Instructor: Professor Normand Péladeau (Online)

Sysrev platform for collaborative extraction of data – SaferWorldbyDesign InterAction Meeting (ONLINE) Instructor: Thomas Luechtefeld

Creation Apologetics Teachers’ College: Creation Training Initiative

June-July 2022 Oct. 2020-present

July 28, 2020

May 25 & 27, 2020 March 3, 2020

Aug. 6-11, 2018

Certificate of Successful Completion: Training in Biblical Apologetics [Bible defense]

Hosted by: Glorieta Christian Conference Centre, New Mexico, USA. (40 hr. training)
Areas of study Include: Biblical hermeneutics |Intro to Presuppositional Apologetics | Bible evidences | Communication & Teaching Skills | Critical thinking Skills | Public Speaking & Defense
(Accredited by the Association of Christian Schools international [ACSI])

Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) – Dry Season Outlook

Regional Training Workshop: Georgetown, Guyana.
Hosted by Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology

Nov. 2017

Sept. 2022-Present

Sept. 2022-Present

May 2022-Present April 2016-present

October 2018-present

June 2016-present 2012-2014

2012-2014 2012-2013

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Climate Studies Group Mona Representative |
Assistant Rapporteur Agriculture Sectoral Impact Breakout Discussion

Open Data Kit (ODK) Collect mobile data collection programming workshop

Instructor: Dr. Robert Kinlocke,
Department of Geography and Geology, UWI, Mona. .

Remote Sensing Training session on the Normalized Differentiated Vegetation Index (NDVI) & Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Instructor: Dr. Theodore Allen,
International Research Institute for Climate and Society.


June 2016

July 2015

Overview: My ministries apply 5 main pillars: Evangelism, Education, Advocacy, Outreach and Research to amplify the Christian worldview in the public sphere. Sarah’s research work has been applied in ministry, at a United Nations Side Event, the European Parliament and by serving in Jamaica’s Inter-ministerial Committee on Human Rights. By hosting webinars, designing videos, writing blogs, cosigning petitions and policy briefs, presenting at conferences and organizing peaceful protests against anti-Christian values, Sarah aims to apply her skills to positively influence society.

Founder of Chosen to G.L.O.W. Ministries (God Leading Our Way, Go Light Our World.) 2015-present (Christian Apologetics and Research Outreach & Video Ministry)
Registered with the Department of Cooperatives and Friendly Societies, Jamaica (Formally registered: Mar. 2022)

  • Presented research in a United Nations side event in the International Day of Families
  • Presented research at the EU Parliament
  • Co-founding organization of the Empowered Youth Coalition
  • Civil Society Organization Member of Jamaica’s Inter-ministerialCommittee on Human Rights
  • Led the effort in canvassing around a dozen NGOs to cosign as Friends of the prolife

May 17, 2021 June 2021
May 2021
June 2021-Present

Research Ministryhttp://christ-the-1way.wixsite.com/thebibleistrue
Video Ministryhttp://christ-the-1way.wixsite.com/chosen2glow/coming-soon


Voluntary Technical Research Consultation (Survey-Based) Nov. 2021

Master thesis in Organic Agriculture (Double Degree in Agroecology), Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands) and ISARA, Lyon (France

April, 2021 • Guests in our webinars included: Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Brian Clowes, & Dr. Priscilla Coleman

and profamily Geneva Consensus Declaration

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Self-Care Starters: The Inspirational Edition

August 2021

April 2021

Chapter Author

Life Repurposed (Chapter: Breakdowns to Breakthroughs)

– Compiled by Michelle Rayburn (Faith, Creativity, Life Publishers)

– Recipient of 2022 Golden Scroll Honourable Mention Inspirational Gift Book of the Year –

Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA)

When Grace Found Me


– Compiled by Kim Lengling & Ruth Pearson (Listening to Your Voice Publishing)

– o Chapter: God’s Faithfulness through Grief

– Top 100 on Amazon Best Sellers List (October 28, 2021)

ELDERLY HOME OUTREACH Nightingale Nursing Home

Community Voluntary Ministry

Brookdale Nursing Home and Retirement Resort Best Care Nursing Home

Community Voluntary Ministry

The Salvation Army School for the Blind

Volunteer | Exam Reader & Homework Assistant

Love March Movement, Jamaica

Oct. 2021

2000-Mar. 2020

2015-Mar. 2020
Aug. 2018-Mar. 2020

2011-2012; 2015

May 2013-December. 2014 2020-Present

Petition Manager Youth Ambassador

Referees can be made available upon request.