Stuart has held academic posts at Bristol University, Cambridge University and Liberty University in the USA. He was the lead designer for the solar array deployment on the world’s largest civilian earth-observing spacecraft (Envisat). He also led the design and testing of the chain drive for the world record-breaking track bikes used by the British Olympic Cycling Team at the Rio Olympics where Team GB won six gold medals. He has published over 160 scientific papers on the science of design. He also has seven patents and received several national awards for his designs including the Turners Gold Medal and Molins Design Prize awarded by the minister of State for Trade and Industry. He has written several books on apologetics and is a popular international speaker. Stuart is married to Jocelyn and they have five children.
National/International Awards and Prizes:
- 2017 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition (Olympic Bike Design)
- 2017 IEOM Society Global Engineering Education Award
- 2008 Wessex Institute Scientific Medal
- 1997 Worshipful Company of Turner’s Bronze Medal
- 1993 Worshipful Company of Turner’s Gold Medal
- 1993 UK Mitutyo Design Prize
- 1986 UK Design Council Molins Prize
- 1985 IMechE National Queen’s Silver Jubilee Competition, Second Place
Journal Paper Prizes:
- 2013 Journal of Lean Six Sigma: Literati Award for Excellence
- 2012 Journal of Smart Materials & Structures: Featured paper
- 2010 Journal of Lean Six Sigma: Best Paper Prize
- 2002 Process Engineering Prize (IMechE)
- 2001 Water Arbitration Prize (IMechE)
Special Appointments & Fellowships:
- 2018 External Examiner at Cambridge University
- 2018 Orator for the honorary degree of John Deer at Bristol University
- 2011-2013 External Examiner at Exeter University
- 2011 Orator for the honorary doctorate for Ben Morris at Bristol University
- 2004-2011 Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 2003 Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- 1996-1997 External Examiner Tokyo University
- 1995-1997 Bye-Fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge University
Scientific Grants and Publications:
I have been an investigator on 20 grants valuing over £2 million. The grants have been awarded from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Ministry of Defence.
Scientific Publications:
- 80+ Journal papers on mechanical engineering science including bio-inspired design
- 80+ Conference papers on mechanical engineering science
- Burgess, S.C. and Pyper, T., Novel chain link, European Patent, GB2416578. 2008.
- Burgess, S.C. and Khang, J. Rotary Damper. U.K. Patent Application No. 9518687.0, 1996.
- Moore, D.F., Burgess, S.C., Chiang, H-S., Klaubert, H., Shibaike, N. and Kiriyama, T. Microelectromechanical accelerometer. U.K. Patent No. 9426363.9, 1995.
- Burgess, S.C. and Karp, S. Expansible-band clutch. European Patent No. 0425522B1, 1993.
- Burgess, S.C. Double-action worm gear set. European Patent Number 92302263.6, 1992.
- Burgess, S.C. and Humphries, M.E. Hinge actuator. European Patent No 92302263.6, 1992.
- Karp, S. and Burgess, S.C. Collapsible-band one-way clutch. U.K. Patent No 2174464, 1989.
Design Contributions:
- Spacecraft Design
- Skylark rocket, separation mechanism, 1989 ($1 million satellite)
- Envisat satellite, solar array deployment mechanism, 2002 ($2 billion)
- Metop A satellite, solar array deployment mechanism, 2006 ($1 billion)
- Metop B satellite, solar array deployment mechanism, 2012 ($1 billion)
- Metop C satellite, solar array deployment mechanism, 2018 ($1 billion)
Olympic Bike Design:
- 2016 (August) Rio Olympics, Brazil (6 gold medals)
- 2017 (April) World Championships, Hong Kong (UCI Track Cycling)
- 2017 (November) World Cup, England (UCI Track Cycling)
- 2018 (March) World Championships, Holland (UCI Track Cycling)
- 2018 (August) European Championships in Berlin
- 2018 (October) World Cup, Canada (UCI Track Cycling)
- 2018 (December) World Cup, England (UCI Track Cycling)
Other Design Projects:
- North Sea oil rig crane design
- Atomic Force Microscopes design
- Triumph Motorcycles design of electric bikes
- Micro air vehicle design for the ministry of defence
- Spacecraft design: Military satellites and Hubble Space Telescope
For more details, see: